This is a Special Private Launch: Open to 100 User Only. (Limited Time Promo)

Select your package below, and benefit from SERP Avenger Today:

Select Your Features :
  • Private Authority Links
  • Target Keywords
  • Anchor Analysis Algo
  • Smart Link Plan Suggestion
  • Rank Tracking/SEO Testing
  • Deindex Link Replacement
  • Edit EXISTING Links
  • Daily Algo Tracking (Main KW)
  • Private Blog Network MGR
  • Monthly Submission Limit
  • Bonus Articles (for your PBN)

Limited Linking

  • Private Authority LinksUp to 50 PBN Links
  • Target KeywordsUp to 8 Keywords
  • Anchor Analysis Algo
  • Smart Link Plan Suggestion
  • Rank Tracking/SEO Testing
    (run up to 15 SEO Test)
  • Deindex Link Replacement
  • Edit EXISTING Links
  • Daily Algo Tracking (Main KW)
  • Private Blog Network MGR
  • Monthly Submission Limit
  • Bonus Articles (for your PBN)

Unlimited Links

  • Private Authority LinksUnlimited until Top 3
  • Target KeywordsUp to 20 Keywords
  • Anchor Analysis Algo
  • Smart Link Plan Suggestion
  • Rank Tracking/SEO Testing
    (Unlimited SEO Test)
  • Deindex Link Replacement
  • Edit EXISTING Links
  • Daily Algo Tracking (Main KW)
  • Private Blog Network MGR
  • Monthly Submission Limit
  • Bonus Articles (for your PBN)

+ PBN Manager

  • Private Authority LinksUnlimited until Top 3
  • Target KeywordsUp to 20 Keywords
  • Anchor Analysis Algo
  • Smart Link Plan Suggestion
  • Rank Tracking/SEO Testing
    (Unlimited SEO Test)
  • Deindex Link Replacement
  • Edit EXISTING Links
  • Daily Algo Tracking (Main KW)
  • Private Blog Network MGRUp to 100 350 Domains
    (Add more as needed)
  • Monthly Submission LimitUp to 1000 Submissions
  • Bonus Articles (for your PBN)100 Virtual Handwritten
Private Blog Network Owners

Finally! After 1.5 Years in Development We Invented…
First Ever PR Network / Tool that Adapts to Algo Updates So you Can:

  • Re-Rank Lost Rankings quickly to
    recoup lost income you deserve.
  • Stop Penalizing Your Sites you've
    worked so hard to create and rank.
  • Stop Using Link Plans that only work
    sometimes and aren't based on science.
  • Stop Losing Paying Clients every-time
    a new algo drops their rankings.
  • Stop Deindexing Your PBNs with unintentional
    footprints/ patterns that trigger problems.
  • Stop Wasting Money on SEO Techniques that
    are outdated and don't work.

What's The Secret Power of SERP Avenger that has so Many Top Ranking SEO's Begging to Join?

SERP Avenger is the first Smart SEO Tool of its kind making other SEO Software obsolete in comparison. Our breakthrough in Algo Learning technology constantly evolves to algo changes so you can stay up-to-date on what works today & tomorrow —what's not to love!

Warning! You're About To See The Sexiest SEO Tool Ever Created…

  • This may result in a jealous girlfriend/spouse.
  • We Cannot be held liable if you fall in love with this tool.
  • Drooling on your keyboard can result in shock.

Buying Keyword Analysis

Find and choose the best buying keywords for your ranking projects. Quickly see the value of each keyword based on its ranking position. Search by Stealing your competitors best keywords, or by doing a Related Keywords check.

90 Second Anchor / Link Analysis

  • Learn the Exact Anchor Profile Needed to Rank
  • See If You're Over-optimized & How to Fix it
  • Set-up Your Link Building Plan on Auto-Pilot

Did you know… Over-optimized Anchor Profiles are the
#1 Reason A Site Won't Rank.

In-Depth Algo Analysis Creates a Custom Link Plan to Get You Ranked FASTER & HIGHER!
At Last, a Real Solution to Handle Algo Updates!

The Algo Analysis Dashboard… She's Gorgeous Isn't She?
Intelligent Serp Tracking of 103 107 Ranking Signals

Understand Current Ranking Algorithm

(Be the First to Catch & Adapt to Subtle Algo Changes!)
… So you can keep your Top Rankings and Dumbfound Your Competition!

No more wasting countless hours researching, testing and wondering what's important. In 2 minutes we'll make you the Smartest SEO in your niche!

Constant Monitoring of Top 100

Top 20 Historical Rankings Chart

Discover The Impact of Different SEO Methods

Tracking the competition gives powerful insight. This eye-opening chart will lead you to uncover the best SEO methods , including the key to unlocking the latest Algo updates as they happen. A must!

Edit Existing Links in 3 Clicks!

Before SERP Avenger, link based Algo Updates were almost impossible to adapt to. Not Anymore! In a few clicks you can Edit, Change, or Delete 1 or ALL of your existing Links to Quickly Comply with the New Rules; protecting your sites from long-term ruin.

When the Worst Happens,
Recover Rankings as Fast as Possible

  • Avoid Ranking Penalties by immediately
    changing links to fit new Algo rules.
  • Prevent Long-Term Rank Drops by quickly
    adapting to changes in real-time.
  • Avoid Killing Sites/ Clients you worked
    so hard to get. … the safest way to SEO!

Educate clients that Rank Adjustment Periods are a Natural SEO Cycle.
(Keep Clients even if rankings drop!)

Automatically Monitors and Replaces Deindexed Links!

Reduce the Negative Effects and Protect Your Rankings

  • Automatically Pause Posting
  • Quickly Remove & Replace Links
  • Repurpose for Yahoo/ Bing
  • Reindex & Reuse
Squeeze the MAXIMUM Benefit Out of Your PR Links!
Our Smart Submitter Makes Every Link Count!
Scientifically Assigns and Tracks Previous Submissions

Robust submitter gives you complete control over your PBN link building. It handles everything from long-term submissions, to content, to pattern less link insertion. Oh, and the best… it comes standard with a scientific blog assignment so you squeeze the most results out of your network, even if its small!

Backlinks Inserted in to Virtual Hand-written Quality Content!

Pamper Your Rankings... High Quality Content 100% Done For You!

We couldn't find any Article Scraper/ Creators that didn't have detectable footprints. Footprints Kill PBN Sites… So, we painstakingly created our own!
  • Create Articles w/ ZERO Footprints!
    (eliminates patterns between different articles)
  • Highly Readable / Virtually Handwritten!
    (set a new quality standard for your PBN sites)
  • 100% Relevant and on Topic!
    (diverse, unique content to make you look good)

Goodbye Spammy Looking Content… Hello Sexy Content!

92% of Deindexed Networks Have Un-Natural Looking Content.. hmmm

Avoid Reckless Link Patterns in Your Content

Most Definitely, the Most Powerful Link Insertion Known To Man!

Traditional PBN Networks are loaded with detectable link patterns / footprints. Reducing footprints will protect against costly PBN de-indexing; and boost rankings with a more Natural Link Profile.
  • Easily Control Links In Submitted Content!
    (control anchors, URLs, quantities and even diversity)
  • Proprietary Link Insertion Algo
    (intelligently inserts links in a non-detectable pattern)
The Most Effective Ranking System or Your Money Back (It simply works)
IF YOU SUBSCRIBE TO ONE SEO SERVICE… Make it SERP Avenger. (nothing will pay for itself like this tool)

NEW! Rank Tracker Like You've Never Seen Before!
Built-in SEO Testing, Serp Meter, and Analysis

Setting a new standard in Rank Tracking…
…you won't be let down by our shiny new features:

  • Rankings

  • Serp Meter

  • SEO Tests

  • Analysis

In a Quick Glance, Get Ranking Data For All Campaigns

Stop Wasting Time/Money on SEO Techniques that DON'T WORK!

Our SEO Tester doesn't lie. See EXACTLY what's increasing rankings:

Test ANYTHING! Prove or Disprove any SEO strategy, method, or technique… focus on what works and avoid out dated SEO that kills rankings

Run an SEO Test in 60 Seconds or Less!

  • Onpage Tests:Tweak, Optimize, Adjust
    (make changes that help boost rankings to the top)
  • Offpage Tests:Links, Citations, Reviews
    (add or remove backlinks, target effective links only)

SEO Testing, So You NEVER Spend Another Dime on Ineffective SEO!

Even the Dumbest SEO Could Get Amazing Rankings w/ this Tool… Which Is Why It's Only Available to Smart SEOs for a Limited Time

SERP Avenger was developed by HIGHLY Successful SEO's who depend on top rankings. The only way to guarantee long-term results is to limit memberships & patent our technology so it can't be replicated.

But Wait… there's more!

Manage 30% MORE Ranking Projects in Half the Time

Let's You Rank a Bazillion SEO Projects without Breaking a Sweat

Boost productivity and profits

Take on more projects than previously possible, so you can grow your income and diversify your SEO. Easily offer clients additional ranking services such as Reputation Management, Video Marketing, etc.
  • Project Management Dashboard
    (organize, track and manage projects at a glance)
  • Money Sites, Client Sites, Parasite Rankings
    (identify your projects by their type)

As Always, We Stand Behind Our Products with a 100%, 30 Day Money Back Guarantee.

Start Reaping The Benefits Today, without ANY RISK!

You have my promise: If for any reason you aren't completely satisfied with SERP Avenger, I'll personally refund EVERY dime within 30 days of your initial purchase.

Serp Avenger was developed to get results, and that's what it does GUARANTEED!

My Motto: If it doesn't get results, it doesn't matter.

Select Your Features :
  • Private Authority Links
  • Target Keywords
  • Anchor Analysis Algo
  • Smart Link Plan Suggestion
  • Rank Tracking/SEO Testing
  • Deindex Link Replacement
  • Edit EXISTING Links
  • Daily Algo Tracking (Main KW)
  • Private Blog Network MGR
  • Monthly Submission Limit
  • Bonus Articles (for your PBN)

Limited Linking

  • Private Authority LinksUp to 50 PBN Links
  • Target KeywordsUp to 8 Keywords
  • Anchor Analysis Algo
  • Smart Link Plan Suggestion
  • Rank Tracking/SEO Testing
    (run up to 15 SEO Test)
  • Deindex Link Replacement
  • Edit EXISTING Links
  • Daily Algo Tracking (Main KW)
  • Private Blog Network MGR
  • Monthly Submission Limit
  • Bonus Articles (for your PBN)

Unlimited Links

  • Private Authority LinksUnlimited until Top 3
  • Target KeywordsUp to 20 Keywords
  • Anchor Analysis Algo
  • Smart Link Plan Suggestion
  • Rank Tracking/SEO Testing
    (Unlimited SEO Test)
  • Deindex Link Replacement
  • Edit EXISTING Links
  • Daily Algo Tracking (Main KW)
  • Private Blog Network MGR
  • Monthly Submission Limit
  • Bonus Articles (for your PBN)

+ PBN Manager

  • Private Authority LinksUnlimited until Top 3
  • Target KeywordsUp to 20 Keywords
  • Anchor Analysis Algo
  • Smart Link Plan Suggestion
  • Rank Tracking/SEO Testing
    (Unlimited SEO Test)
  • Deindex Link Replacement
  • Edit EXISTING Links
  • Daily Algo Tracking (Main KW)
  • Private Blog Network MGRUp to 100 350 Domains
    (Add more as needed)
  • Monthly Submission LimitUp to 1000 Submissions
  • Bonus Articles (for your PBN)100 Virtual Handwritten
Private Blog Network Owners